Hi Mom,
Yes, I was able to see the neurologist and get an MRI. Good news! I don't have cancer (yay!). What I do have is something called sinositis (I hope that's how you say it in English), which means that one of the holes behind my eye is filled with pus and mucus, which is super gross, but way better than cancer. I now have to see a nose specialist, and we're going to figure out what needs to be done. So WE (directed at me and his dad I think) can all be super chill now haha. The only problem is that the neurologist said it doesn't explain the problem with my vision, but that is getting better on it's own this week anyway, so it's all good.Also, I wrote you about ____________ (she's the one that Michael said had kicked her boyfriend out "like a boss") It happened! After all this time, we finally baptized her. She didn't invite anyone. There were only 6 missionaries at her daughter at the baptism. She ask me to perform the baptism (which I had to do twice because she kicked her feet out of the water).
Just wow. I'm so grateful and happy that he's doing so well.